Take a look around and stay awhile. We have been working on a few projects that we think you’ll be excited about.
First, you may have noticed that we have updated our brand. This includes our logo and website. As Sir Isaac Newton once said, “Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.” We strive to attain this in our daily practices by bringing you a product that enables your agency to succeed, but not at the cost of complication and confusion. As always, we view all our customers as partners. We strive to support and cultivate long-term relationships with each agency, custom fitting our service to their need and for their ultimate success.
Second, you’ll notice that our website has a new look and organizational structure. We truly believe that you will be able to run your agency better with Newton. With this in mind, we reorganized our content so that you are able to see more clearly how Newton is the solution to bring your agency brand to life. You might notice certain changes in nomenclature or more clarity in how our capabilities are presented. This is all in an effort to bring clarity to all that we do.
Lastly, we are rolling out a new referral program for our customers that you don’t want to miss. You likely know how valuable an introduction can be to business relationships, so we’ve set out to reward referrals we receive from our loyal customers. Find out more on our referral page.
Please reach out to us at 800-990-1983 for more details on our referral program or any questions about the exciting changes happening here at Newton by Agency Systems.