Our March Newsletter reflects on how Access My Insurance has helped our clients reach their first quarter goals. Use our robust reporting tools to make sure your agency keeps up the pace for Q2.
How are your agency growth goals measuring up this first quarter?
With March almost behind us, it is a good time to make sure your agency is on track to reach 2022 financial goals! With Access My Insurance, you have an at-a-glance view of your agency’s financial health.
- Sales Leaderboard, Notable Policy Classes, and Trending Companies show you not only the current month top producers, but also what classes of policies you are writing and which carriers you are writing them with!
- Net-New Business: Get an accurate picture of your new business without the manual task of removing probably rewrites.
- Retention: Monitor your agency’s retention rate, or view retention by Producer or CSR
To schedule training or get more information on these features, email us at support@agencysystems.com.
Ready to put the growth back in your agency?
Leverage AMI to be the growth leader in your market, and try a LIVE DEMO today! The first quarter may be almost over, but you can set your agency up for success in Q2.
New to Agency Systems?
Agency Systems provides insurance agencies of all sizes with reliable, full-featured insurance agency management software systems for commercial and personal lines, retail agencies, brokers, and general agencies.
Our Goal is to help you run your agency better. We do this by helping you get more customers, keep customers longer, and selling more policies. Growth is the number one priority for any agency, and our all-in-one solution provides all the capabilities you need to manage your agency. Let us help you connect with your customers with little effort on your part.
To schedule a demo or get more information, contact us today!